Summer Holiday in US

Summer Holiday in America: Statistics, Trends and Insights for 2024

Domestic travel is popular among U.S. adults, with 36% planning to travel within the country this summer. Younger generations lead this trend, with 60% of Gen Z and 61% of millennials planning trips, compared to 50% of Gen X and 44% of baby boomers. Financial constraints deter 28% from vacationing, with 65% citing affordability issues. Inflation and high credit card rates impact 51% of non-travelers. Unique experiences and alternative accommodations are in demand, while 58% plan to use points and rewards to cover travel costs. Average travel budgets are around $5,300.

Domestic Travel Dominates, Younger Generations Lead the Charge

The desire for summer getaways is strong, with 53% of U.S. adults planning a vacation in 2024. Younger generations, such as Gen Z and millennials, are leading the charge, with 60% and 61% respectively planning to take a summer trip. In contrast, only 50% of Gen X and 44% of baby boomers have summer travel plans.

Interestingly, city dwellers and higher-income earners ($100k+) are the most likely to embark on a summer vacation, at 61% and 74% respectively. This suggests that affordability and access to travel opportunities play a significant role in summer travel decisions.

Affordability Concerns Prompt Many to Forgo Summer Vacations

While the desire for summer travel remains high, affordability concerns are causing many Americans to skip their vacation plans. Nearly 3 in 10 (28%) U.S. adults are opting out of a summer vacation due to financial constraints, with 65% citing the inability to afford it as the top reason.

The impact of inflation and high credit card rates is evident, as 51% of those not traveling say it may reduce their chance of taking an overnight trip. This trend highlights the need for travel providers to offer more affordable options and flexible payment plans to cater to the budget-conscious traveler.

Travelers Seek Unique Experiences and Accommodations

As the travel landscape evolves, travelers are increasingly seeking unique experiences and alternative accommodations. The demand for adventures and unique experiences is on the rise, leading to a surge in solo travel and the popularity of non-traditional lodging options like camps and RVs.

Generational differences are also apparent, with Gen Z travelers being more “deal-centric” and millennials leveraging credit card rewards for international trips. Meanwhile, baby boomers account for a growing share of summer travelers, now at 34%, up from 28% the previous year.

Travel Budgets and Booking Trends

Despite the economic challenges, Americans are still prioritizing travel in their budgets. In fact, 50% of Americans plan to travel more in 2024 than 2023, with the average person budgeting $5,300 for travel. To offset costs, 58% plan to use points and rewards to cover travel expenses.

The booking trends also reflect this shift, with 13% of Americans planning a spring break trip in 2024 and willing to spend an average of $2,700. Top summer destinations include familiar favorites like Florida, California, and New York, as well as international hotspots like Japan and Nevada.

Adapting to New Trends in Summer Holiday Travel

As the summer travel season approaches, the industry must navigate these evolving trends and preferences to provide travelers with the experiences they seek while addressing their affordability concerns. By understanding the shifting dynamics of the American summer vacation, travel providers can better cater to the needs of this dynamic market.


Understanding these patterns provides a valuable lens to examine broader economic health and consumer behavior trends.


As the summer travel season approaches, it is clear that the landscape of American vacations is shifting. While domestic travel remains dominant, affordability concerns and the impact of inflation are significant factors influencing travel plans. Younger generations are leading the charge, seeking unique experiences and alternative accommodations, while older generations show a growing interest in summer travel. The industry must adapt to these evolving trends by offering more affordable options and flexible payment plans to cater to budget-conscious travelers. By understanding and addressing these dynamics, travel providers can better meet the needs of a diverse and changing market.