Funny Wedding Quotes
Funny Wedding Quotes

21 Funny Wedding Quotes

Inject humor into wedding celebrations with these 21 funny wedding quotes. This collection includes witty one-liners and hilarious anecdotes from public figures, actors, comedians, TV shows, movies, and writers. These quotes are perfect for adding a touch of laughter to speeches, toasts, or wedding invitations, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable atmosphere.

Quotes From Public Figures

Funny marriage quotes from public figures can provide a lighthearted perspective on this lifelong commitment of married people.

Actors and actresses have also shared their humorous insights on marriage.

  • Will Ferrell suggests that before marrying someone, you should make them use a computer with slow internet to see their true self.
  • Ann Bancroft believes that suggesting a husband is too old to do something is a sure way to get him to do it.

Comedians, too, have offered their funny take on marriage.

  • Rodney Dangerfield humorously stated that he and his wife were happy for twenty years, until they met.
  • Kathy Mohnke compared marriage to vitamins, as spouses supplement each other’s daily requirements.

These quotes from public figures, actors, actresses, and comedians remind us to find humor in the ups and downs of married life.

Quotes From Actors and Actresses

You can’t help but laugh when Will Ferrell suggests that before you marry someone, you should make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are. It’s a funny and clever way to highlight the importance of understanding a person’s true character before committing to marriage.

Funny marriage quotes about husbands have been a popular source of entertainment for years. Classic quotes like Groucho Marx’s ‘Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?

Whether it’s offering advice or expressing the realities of marriage, funny marriage quotes from actors and actresses continue to bring joy and laughter to newlyweds and their friends.

Quotes From Comedians

When searching for comedic relief and relatable insights into the world of marriage, look no further than the clever and witty quotes from comedians. Funny wedding quotes from these comedic geniuses provide a humorous perspective of the idea of marriage.

Comedians like Rodney Dangerfield remind us that even in a happy marriage, there are moments of humor when he said, ‘My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.’ Kathy Mohnke adds to the laughter with her quote, ‘Marriage is like vitamins: we supplement each other’s minimum daily requirements.’ And who can forget the hilarious quote from an unknown source, ‘Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!’

These quotes from comedians are sure to bring a smile to your face and lighten the mood when it comes to the institution of marriage.

Quotes From TV and Movies

If you’re in need of a good laugh, look no further than the clever and witty quotes from TV shows and movies about funny marriage advice.

From hilarious marriage quotes from celebrities to funny wedding wishes for bride, groom, brother, sister, and even colleagues, there’s something for everyone.

In TV shows and movies, you’ll find funny wedding quotes that will make you chuckle and nod in agreement.

Whether it’s a cheeky comment about wives or a cute funny marriage quote for newlyweds, these quotes bring humor and lightness to the often serious topic of marriage and partners for life.

So the next time you need a good laugh or want to add some humor to a wedding toast, turn to the funny wedding quotes from TV and movies.

They’re sure to bring a smile to your face and lighten the mood of any occasion.

Quotes From Writers

Take a moment to appreciate the clever and insightful words of writers when it comes to the topic of marriage (life cycle). From the minds of top authors, humorous quotes about marriage abound, providing a source of entertainment for those seeking funny wedding quotes for Instagram or funny wishes for a newly married happy couple.

Writers like Michel de Montaigne and Oscar Wilde offer witty perspectives on marriage, with phrases like ‘A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband’ and ‘Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.’ These quotes playfully highlight the challenges and quirks of married life, reminding us to find humor in the ups and downs.

More Quotes From Comedians

You’ll appreciate the comedic perspective on marriage from some of the funniest comedians, providing you with a good laugh and a fresh humor in marriage.

Here are more comments from people that highlight the humorous side of weddings.

Rodney Dangerfield once said, ‘My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.’ This quote perfectly captures the idea that marriage can sometimes bring unexpected challenges.

Kathy Mohnke adds her own funny twist with the statement, ‘Marriage is like vitamins: we supplement each other’s minimum daily requirements.’ It’s a clever way of saying that couples complement and support each other.

And let’s not forget the classic line from an unknown source, ‘Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!’

These funny wedding quotes remind us to embrace the humor in our relationships and enjoy the journey of marriage.

Final Quotes and Closing Thoughts

Here are some more hilarious quotes to wrap up our discussion on lifelong contract. These final quotes offer some closing thoughts on the topic.

Comedian Rita Rudner once said, ‘I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.’ This quote highlights the humor and playfulness that can exist within a marriage.

Henny Youngman adds his own twist, stating, ‘My happy wife and I have a secret to making a marriage last. Two times a week, we go to a nice restaurant, a little wine, good food. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.’ This quote humorously acknowledges the importance of compromise and individuality in a successful marriage.

And finally, Milton Berle sums it up with his witty remark, ‘Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering.’ This quote playfully captures the ups and downs that can come with marriage.

These quotes remind us to find humor and joy in the journey of marriage.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Slow Internet Usage Reveal Someone’s True Character Before Marriage?

Using slow internet can reveal someone’s true character before marriage by testing their patience, adaptability, and ability to handle frustration. It can expose their true temperament and how they handle challenges, providing insights into their overall character.

What Is the Secret to a Happy Marriage According to Bruce Forsyth?

The secret to a happy marriage, according to Bruce Forsyth, is finding peace and contentment with your loved one’s presence. Love is about feeling warmth within four walls, whether upstairs, downstairs, or in the same room.

Why Does Groucho Marx Compare Marriage to an Institution?

Groucho Marx compares marriage to an institution because it’s a structured and organized commitment. He humorously suggests that while marriage is wonderful, living in an institution might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

How Does Rodney Dangerfield Humorously Describe His Marriage?

Rodney Dangerfield humorously describes his marriage by saying, “My Loving wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.” He uses this funny line to highlight the challenges and unexpected surprises that come with marriage.

According to Joyce Brothers, What Is One of the Practical Aspects of Marriage?

One practical aspect of marriage, according to Joyce Brothers, is remembering to take out the trash. It’s not just about spiritual communion; it’s about the little everyday tasks that keep a household running smoothly.

Final take away

So there you have it, a collection of 21 funny wedding quotes that highlight the humorous side of marriage. From public figures to actors, comedians, TV shows, movies, and writers, these quotes offer witty insights and observations on the dynamics and challenges of married life.

They remind us to have a laid-back attitude, find contentment in the presence of our loved ones, and use humor to navigate the ups and downs of marriage.

So, whether you’re getting married or already already have your marriage contract, let these quotes bring a smile to your face and remind you to always find the laughter in life’s journey together.